NEWS. The Juanda Navy Air Base succeeded in thwarting an attempt to send endemic animals protected by pig snout turtles, Friday (7/4/2023).
The disclosure of the case began with the officer’s suspicion of eight suitcases that passed X-ray inspection.
During the examination, a number of suitcases carried by the three alleged perpetrators on the Surabaya-Singapore-Vietnam route showed contents resembling living objects.
Finally, it was proven that 8 suitcases contained pig snout turtles which were then secured by officers. One of the alleged perpetrators was secured along with evidence of a passport in the name of David Setiawan.
In addition, officers also found tickets with Surabaya-Singapore and Singapore-Vietnam routes, two mobile phones, Rp3.8 million in cash, and 9,000 Vietnamese dong in cash.
The number of turtles in the eight suitcases reached 5,632. Reporting from Indonesia Defense, one animal with the Latin name Carettochelys insculpta is priced at Rp. 150 thousand per head.
In the case of this attempt to smuggle protected animals, the state is estimated to bear losses of Rp844,800,000.
housands of pig-snout turtles were recovered by officers. | Photo: Doc. BBKSDA East Java
On Monday (10/3/2024), BBKSDA East Java in a statement on the institution’s official Instagram account said that evidence would receive treatment at the BKSDA office.
“Furthermore, the perpetrators and evidence were handed over by POMAL Juanda to the Jabalnusra Law Enforcement Center for further investigation,” explained BBKSDA East Java.
This soft-shelled animal is an endemic animal of Papua with endangered status in the IUCN Red List.
The trend of animal populations is decreasing. In addition to hunting, animals are also threatened because they are still consumed by the community, and their habitat is degraded.
Please note that this animal is registered in the Minister of Environment and Forestry Number P.106 of 2018 concerning Protected Plant and Animal Species.
Source :
Editor : Trisna Rizky Martiyani