Alobi foundation bannerbinturong banner compressedPicsArt_01-20-10.51.21PicsArt_01-20-10.49.32PicsArt_01-20-10.48.24PicsArt_01-20-10.47.33donate banner 2 WILDLIFE CONSERVATION AND RESEARCH CENTER The rise of hunting and illegal trade and the high number of cases of conflict between animals and humans underlies the establishment of this wildlife rescue and rehabilitation center. OUR MAIN FOCUS Conservation and Research Reintroduce the Food Source Rescue, Release, Rehabilitate, Monitoring Community Education and Participation Program Serahan satu ekor buaya muara oleh masyarakat payung dikarenakan sering mengganggu kegiatan warga sekitar September 20, 2024/ 0 Comments Pengembalian satu ekor trenggiling bangka ke habitatnya/ One pangolin back to wild September 20, 2024/ 0 Comments SERAHAN SATU EKOR TRENGGILING DARI BPDAS BATU RUSA CERUCUK September 17, 2024/ 0 Comments Calendar February 2025 M T W T F S S 12 3456789 10111213141516 17181920212223 2425262728 « Sep wild animals were released into the wild since 2014 0