On April 20, 2023, Alobi Foundation together with the South Sumatra BKSDA received 1 type of turtle protected by the State, namely “Malayan Giant Turtle/ Orlitia borneensis“. This turtle was handed over from a resident of the city of Pangkal Pinang named Muhamad Riski. The turtle was kept by him because this species was found wanting to cross a road that was traversed by many vehicles. Then, Risky took him home to be handed over to the South Sumatra BKSDA.
The turtles were then entrusted by the South Sumatra BKSDA at Alobi Foundation Wildlife Rescue Center Kampoeng Reclamation of Timah Air Jangkang for a medical check-up and undergo a rehabilitation process before being returned to their habitat. The turtle is 75 cm long and weighs 38 kg. An examination is carried out to see the overall health condition of the turtle. If the results of the medical examination show that the results are not good, then intensive medical treatment will be carried out. However, if the inspection of the health results shows good results, then the turtles will be returned to their habitat together with the South Sumatra BKSDA. This is important because the existence of these animals has an important role in maintaining the balance of nature and ecosystems. For example, water turtles can maintain fish populations in an area of water (eg in a river or lake).
Orlitia borneensis is a species that is included in Critically Endangered category by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species in 2018. This species is fully protected by Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation 106 of 2018 and is listed in Appendix II CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora). Therefore, through the activities of the Alobi Foundation, it hopes to inspire and increase the awareness of all parties to be involved in efforts to save and preserve wild animals.
Greeting Conservation!
Author: Trisna Rizky Martiyani, Langka Sani
Source : IUCN Red List 2018