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Bangka Slow Loris was Succesfully Rescued by Alobi Foundation

On April 16, 2023. Alobi Foundation received a report from Terak Village Community of middle Bangka Regency. There, they sighted a Bangka slow loris, namely, Nycticebus bancanus, which is a protected wildlife listed as “Critically Endangered” under IUCN Redlist of conservation wildlife.

The Slow Loris was found crossing the morning busy road, and with the help of the local community, the animal was safely secured and they notified Alobi Foundation and the South Sumatra BKSDA (Wildlife Department). The rescue team was immediately dispatched the scene to rescue the Slow Loris. This rescue was an addition to the list of many wildlife encounters that have entered residential or urban area areas in the past. On year 2022 alone, there have been many cases like this in Bangka Belitung Province and one of the main causes is that the animals on Bangka Belitung Island have mostly lost their habitat due to illegal mining activities, illegal logging, and indiscriminate tree clearings by illegal palm oil farmingsa. All these activities heavily contributed to the negative result of habitat destruction, which impacted the future safety and fate of our local wildlife. Urgent enforcements are needed to be stepped up with stronger preventive measures in place and effective laws uplifted in order to save these innocent wildlife.

Meanwhile, the rescued Slow Loris will be undergoing rehabilitation at the Alobi Foundation Wildlife Rescue Center, Kampoeng Reklamasi Timah, Air Jangkang where it will be rehabilitated and be released back into its habitat. It must be made known that Bangka Belitung Province has its own endemic species of slow loris, namely Nycticebus bancanus, where we must protect and maintain their population in the wild. Because if they were to be extinct, it means that the species of our endemic Bangka slow loris (Nycticebus bancanus) will vanished from mother Earth forever.

Therefore we really will appreciate the cooperation with the community that if any of our local wild animals are sighted or they are in risk of danger, please immediately reports it to the South Sumatera BKSDA or Alobi Foundation for it to be rescue. At Alobi Foundation, our core values are to serve the public, and our mission is to save and protect Indonesia’s remaining wildlife, especially the Bangka Belitung Wildlife.

Save Wildlife!

Writer : Langka Sani, Endi Riadi, Jay Lim

Editor : Trisna Rizky Martiyani

Source : IUCN Red List

#KLHK #BKSDASumsel #PTTimah #Kukangku #Primataindonesia #Primata #Mamaliaindonesia #Nycticebusbancanus #Slowloris #IUCN #CITES #Savewildlife

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