Pada, 6 Desember 2023, Alobi foundation & BKSDA Sumsel mendapati laporan dari masyarakat adanya 1 ekor Kukang endemik pulau Bangka ( Nycticebus bancanus ) yang masuk ke pemukiman warga yang beralamat di Desa Pesona Sungailiat, Kab.Bangka setelah di tangkap, warga sempat mencoba merawatnya karena kondisi kukang yang pada saat itu dalam keadaan lemah dan setelah itu warga melaporkannya ke Alobi dan BKSDA Sumsel dan di tindak lanjuti oleh Tim Wildlife Rescue, kemudian kukang tersebut langsung di rawat di PPS Alobi Babel Kampoeng Reklamasi Timah air Jangkang.
Kukang bangka merupakan salah satu jenis satwa yang paling banyak di rescue dilihat dari banyaknya kasus kukang yang masuk ke pemukiman warga. Salah satu Faktornya penyebabnya adalah hilangnya habitat alami mereka yang mendorong mereka untuk harus keluar dari habitatnya dan menyasar ke Pemukiman warga dan tidak jarang mereka bernasib tragis di Tangkap, di Pelihara ataupun di perjualbelikan!!
Kami sangat Mengapresiasi Masyarakat yang peduli dan berpartisipasi langsung terhadap konservasi satwaliar Indonesia khususnya Bangka Belitung dan kami menghimbau kepada masyarakat kalau ada Temuan satwaliar dilindungi yang di Pelihara, di Buru, di Perdagangkan ataupun yang masuk kepemukiman warga untuk segera melaporkannya ke BKSDA, GAKKUM KLHK dan POLRI terdekat.
Salam Lestari
Alobi Wildlife Rescue & Research Center
DEC 6, 2023, Alobi foundation & BKSDA South Sumatra received a report from the community that 1 slow loris endemic to the island of Bangka (Nycticebus bancanus) had entered the residential area located at Pesona Sungailiat Village, Bangka Regency after being caught, the residents had tried to care for it because of the condition of the slow loris at that time. was in a weak condition and after that the residents reported it to Alobi and BKSDA South Sumatra and it was followed up by the Wildlife Rescue Team, then the slow loris was immediately treated at the Alobi wildlife rescue center.
The Bangka slow loris is one of the most rescued animal species seen from the number of cases of slow lorises entering residential areas. One of the factors causing this is the loss of their natural habitat which encourages them to leave their habitat and target residential areas and they are caught, kept or sold!!
We really appreciate the people who care about and participate directly in the conservation of Indonesian wildlife, especially Bangka Belitung and we urge the public if there are any findings of protected wild animals being kept, hunted, traded or entering residential areas to immediately report it to BKSDA, GAKKUM KLHK and the nearest POLRI.
Salam Lestari
Alobi Wildlife Rescue & Research Center