The Bangka Slow Loris (Nycticebus bancanus) is one the endemic primates widely distribution in Bangka Island. This species has been included in the Critically Endangered category since 2015 by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. The Bangka Slow Loris is also listed in “Appendix I” of CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora), which meant that all trade of this species is seriously forbidden.
The present condition of the Bangka Slow Loris population in general are very worrying as they are inching closer to extinction. These are due to the destruction of the habitat of the Bangka Slow Loris by massive illegal mining and palm oil plantation clearings in the Bangka Belitung Islands. In addition, the activities of converting forest areas into oil palm plantations is a significant factor in the decline in the slow loris population in nature as they lose their natural habitats and food sources.
Given the increasingly alarming condition of the Bangka Slow Loris population, it requires concrete steps with urgent efforts to preserve and conserve this declining species. Since its inception nine years ago, the teams from Alobi Foundation had succeeded in releasing 71 individual Bangka Slow Lorises back to their natural habitat. Since the beginning of 2013, Alobi Foundation started the conservation and research effort to preserve and conserve this species.
On February 26, 2023, the Alobi Foundation released another Bangka Slow Loris which was previously seriously injured when rescued. It received the necessary medical treatment and care from the Alobi Animal Center in Air Jangkang. The injured individual of this Bangka Slow Loris was found by the public around the city of Pangkal Pinang as a result of being electrocuted while attempting to access through the live electrical cables. It was then handed over to Alobi Foundation to receive intensive medical treatment. It continued to receive medical treatment for several months until its health and physical condition were fully restored. Following its recovery, it was place under habituation process to regain its natural wild instinct and was then released back to it’s natural habitat by Alobi Foundation. Its another day of victory for Alobi Foundation.
We hope that through these efforts, Alobi Foundation will continue to inspire and increase awareness of all parties of the public and organization to get involved in saving and preserving our natural wild animals.
Save Wildlife!
Writer : Trisna Rizky Martiyani, Guruh Jaya Wisnuwardana, Langka Sani
Source : IUCN Red List