Senin, 5 Agustus 2024
Alobi Foundation dan Bksda Sumsel mendapati laporan dari seorang warga Kacang pedang Kota Pangkalpinang, Prov. Kep. Bangka Belitung adanya satu ekor kukang Endemik Bangka ( Nycticebus Bancanus ) yang masuk kerumah warga.
Setelah mendapati laporan tersebut, Tim Wildlife Rescue Alobi langsung menuju lokasi untuk mengevakuasi kukang tersebut, namun sangat disayangkan kukang tersebut dalam keadaan terluka parah dengan luka tempurung kepala bolong sampai bagian otak kukang tersebut keliatan dan luka robek di bagian perut. Namun kukang tersebut masih keliatan kuat, mungkin semangat untuk bertahan hidup nya masih sangat kuat dan Tim Wildlife Rescue Alobi segera membawa Kukang tersebut ke Pusat Penyelamatan Satwa ALOBI BABEL K.Reklamasi Timah Jangkang.
Kami menghimbau untuk seluruh Masyarakat Babel apa bila ada Satwaliar apalagi tidak membahayakan seperti kukang, tarsius, trenggiling dll masuk kedalam rumah atau halaman kita untuk tidak langsung menyerang mereka seperti memukul, melukai mereka dengan senjata tajam dan sebagainya dan Masyarakat dapat langsung menghubungi Bksda, Damkar ataupun Alobi Foundation.
Bersama Kita Bisa
Lestarikan Satwaliar Indonesia
Alobi Foundation
Wildlife Rescue & Research Center
English version :
Rescued a Bangka slow loris (Nycticebus Bancanus) with a hole in its head
Monday, August 5, 2024
The Alobi Foundation and the South Sumatra Bksda received a report from a resident of Kacang Pedang, Pangkalpinang City, Babel Province, that an endemic Bangka slow loris (Nycticebus Bancanus) had entered a resident’s house.
After receiving the report, the Alobi Wildlife Rescue Team immediately went to the location to evacuate the slow loris, but unfortunately the slow loris was seriously injured with a hole in the head so that the slow loris’ brain was visible and a torn wound in the stomach, but the slow loris still looked strong, maybe its will to survive was still very strong and the Alobi Wildlife Rescue Team immediately took the slow loris to the Alobi Babel Wildlife Rescue Center, Kampoeng reklamasi timah air jangkang.
We appeal to all Babel residents if there are wildlife, especially those that are not dangerous such as slow lorises, tarsiers, pangolins, etc. entering our homes or yards, not to immediately attack them, such as hitting them, injuring them with sharp weapons, etc. and the public can immediately contact the BKSDA, fire department or Alobi Foundation
Together We Can
Preserve Indonesian Wildlife
Alobi Foundation
Wildlife Rescue & Research Center