You are currently viewing Penyelamatan Satu Ekor Penyu Hijau Dengan Mengalami Luka di Bagian Kepala

Penyelamatan Satu Ekor Penyu Hijau Dengan Mengalami Luka di Bagian Kepala

22 agustus 2024, Alobi Foundation dan Bksda Sumsel mendapati laporan dari Masyarakat Atas nama Faiz adanya satu ekor penyu yang terdampar di area kawasan pantai jembatan emas Pangkalpinang Prov. Kep. Babel.

Menanggapi laporan tersebut tim Alobi Foundation yang di dampingi KKP dan Yiari langsung menuju lokasi untuk mengevakuasi penyu yang malang tersebut, saat tiba di lokasi penyu tersebut berjenis penyu hijau dengan mengalami luka di bagian kepala dan kemudian tim langsung membawa penyu malang ini ke klinik dan di tangani langsung oleh Dokter Yayan.

Semoga dalam waktu dekat penyu hijau ini dapat kembali lagi kehabitatnya


Bersama Kita Bisa

Lestarikan Satwaliar Indonesia


Salam Lestari

Alobi Foundation Wildlife Rescue Center


English version :

Rescue of a Green Turtle with Head Wounds

August 22, 2024

Alobi Foundation and Bksda South Sumatra received a report from the community on behalf of Faiz that a turtle was stranded in the area of ​​the Jembatan Emas beach in Pangkalpinang, Bangka Belitung Province.

Responding to the report, the Alobi Foundation team accompanied by the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries and YIARI immediately went to the location to evacuate the unfortunate turtle. When they arrived at the location, the turtle was a green sea turtle (chelonia mydas) with a wound on its head and then the team immediately took the unfortunate turtle to the clinic and was treated directly by Veterinarian Yayan.

Hopefully in the near future this green sea turtle can return to its habitat

Together We Can
Preserve Indonesian Wildlife

Salam Lestari
Alobi Foundation Wildlife Rescue Center


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